The goals of our youth educational program are to provide families with access to educational resources necessary to close the achievement gap and prepare them for competition in a global environment. Our S.T.E.A.M. (Science Technology Engineering Art and Math) focus is critical to this mission and is therefore the foundation for all our programs. Enrichment components, exciting field trips, and parent engagement round out the programs for the families we serve.
RBP Christian Academy and Child Care Center (RBPCACCC) is a FIVE Star center serving children regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or economic status, with educational resources necessary to prepare them for academic, artistic, and social excellence that serves children, infant through school age, 97% of whose families qualify for free lunch. Our classrooms reflect student led inquiry and expose even our youngest to the world around them.
Project Y.E.S.S. (Youth Empowered for Success and Service) Academy Afterschool, Summer Camp and Saturday Academy programs all use a Project Based Learning approach to offer students an opportunity to explore S.T.R.E.A.M. while also improving basic academic performance in reading and math.
SEED TO PLATE EDIBLE GARDEN PROGRAM will help our families develop healthy food relationships as they discover, grow, maintain, and use the edible gardens to provide healthier food options for their meals.
RBP SEED TO PLATE Program is dedicated to the transformation of our child nutrition programs by using edible gardens to provide hands‐on experiences that help even our youngest children, and their families connect to food in a healthier way. We will increase access to healthy environments to impact eating habits and family relationships to food, nature, health, and each other.
By integrating the edible garden S.T.E.A.M. activities into our childcare and summer camp programs, our students and their families will develop healthier values about nourishment, sustainability and stewardship, and community and be impacted academically as well. RBP SEED TO PLATE Program, at its heart, will be a dynamic and joyful learning experience for every child.